Your role in the community is just as important as that of parents and guardians, learn why!

Use these tips and information to better understand your role as a gatekeeper in preventing underage drinking!

Contact Us
Interested in becoming a member or volunteering? Want to learn more about our coalition and the work we are doing?

What do parents need to know about prescription drug abuse?
If you are a concerned parent, you will want to watch this video about medicine abuse and share with friends, family, and neighbors .

The legal drinking age is 21! Suspect an adult is providing alcohol to underaged drinkers?
Learn the responsibility of adults when it comes to underage drinking.

What Cleveland County students are saying about alcohol...
In a recent survey of Cleveland County students:
Source: Pride Survey, March 2015, grades 9 and 12
This website is an initiative of the Cleveland County Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition. The coalition’s work is supported by a combination of local, state and federal funding. The coalition is a recipient of the Drug Free Communities Support Program Grant, NC Strategic Prevention Framework-Partnership for Success Grant, and NC Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Block Grant.